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Shipping Insurance Update - 9/23/09

Hello Community,

As hopefully everyone knows, eBay has announced that beginning today 9/22 they will be removing shipping insurance from new listings. Since it normally takes time for eBay to push changes to all their servers, this change may not fully take effect for a couple of days...perhaps a bit more.

In general, listings that were posted before eBay rolls out this change will be subject to buyer choice on insurance just as they have been up to now; however, listings posted after the roll out will have insurance removed if it is specified.

In the latter case, shipping insurance would be purchased if you either have your Auto Purchase rules setup, or if you manually choose to purchase a policy for a given transaction.

Since we don't yet know exactly when eBay will complete their roll out, we recommend that you review your sales transactions in Auctiva carefully for the next few days while the change is rolling out to be sure that you have insurance purchased for those transactions you intended, and not for those that you don't want.

As soon as we know the eBay roll out is complete, I will post that information here.


Late this afternoon, we heard from eBay that they will begin removing insurance from new listings beginning tomorrow, 9/23 on all affected sites (served by Auctiva...e.g eBay CA, US, and UK but not eBay AU or DE)
Auctiva Tony M. Sr. Product Manager,
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