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Reply to "Shipping price on lables and DSR"

Hey JeffS -- just so happens I picked up an '87 Charcoal litho print of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards for my 76yr old mother (birthday is tomorrow!)
Anyway...while leaving FB (Great Seller!)..I happened to snatch the following from FB page.
FYI: BLUE TEXT are my notes.
Leaving Detailed Seller Ratings

If you leave an overall Feedback rating for a seller, you have the option to leave detailed seller ratings. These ratings give you the opportunity to provide additional information about the transaction.

For most transactions, you can rate the seller in four areas: item as described, communication, shipping time, and shipping and handling charges.
The rating system is based on a one- to five-star scale. Five stars is the highest rating, and one star is the lowest rating. To choose a rating, roll your mouse over the stars, and review the rating text to the right of the stars. Click the star associated with the rating you’d like to select.

When rating a seller, please keep the following in mind:

*Review the item description before evaluating the seller on item as described.
*Consider only business days when evaluating communication. Sellers don’t always check email on weekends and holidays.
* Sellers are not responsible for delays in mail services, and should only be rated on aspects of shipping they can control, including handling time. Some sellers specify their handling time in the item description. Also, many sellers wait for the buyer’s payment to clear before shipping an item. For international transactions, please allow extra time for shipping.
*Shipping and handling charges may include charges beyond the actual shipping price for the item. Sellers may charge actual packaging materials costs and a reasonable handling fee to cover the seller’s time and direct costs associated with shipping. For international transactions, buyers may also be responsible for duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees as requested by country laws.

Rate the details of the transaction. These individual ratings will not be seen by the seller.

How accurate was the item description?
Very accurate
Neither inaccurate nor accurate
*Very inaccurate

(( On the above question of "description-accuracy"..if either of the two *starred* choices above are chosen, then another popup window appears as below))

We'd like to better understand why you rated the item description low. Was the item:
Counterfeit, replica, or unauthorized copy
Wrong item
This information will not be shared with the seller or other eBay members.

How satisfied were you with the seller's communication?
Very satisfied
Neither unsatisfied nor satisfied
Very unsatisfied

How quickly did the seller ship the item?
Very quickly
Neither slowly nor quickly
Very slowly

How reasonable were the shipping and handling charges?
Very reasonable
Neither unreasonable nor reasonable
Very unreasonable
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