quote:Originally posted by MATTB:
Simply respond to the questions you receive by copy and pasting the relevant stuff from your Sellers terms. It won't take long. We ALL get lame questions. If the question is really lame and the person obviously didn't even make an effort to read the auction...I don't respond...I don't want them as a customer...they'll be more of a hassle than they're worth if they win...especially for an expensive item!!!
Haha.. that's exactly what I ended up doing today. 3 questions now listed at the bottom of the auction description with three exact answers. It must be working because no one has asked again.. yet.

I know what you mean about not wanting them as customers as well. I blocked two of them with zero and 8 fb. (Another thing I clearly expressed in my auction.. "If you're a zero or have less than 12.. please PM me first"). Mind you.. I'm NOT trying to block or discourage newer buyers.. it's just that I need to confirm the seriousness of anyone that new.. especially with such a big ticket.
We've ALL seen this happen: The bidder who has 500+ fbs gets barely beat by someone who has a zero.. then doesn't pay; when the guy who was beat out by $5 surely would have.. and you're left holding the bag.