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Reply to "Since I am stuck with this ... can I change this ..."

Hi Al,

I hear your frustration. I am working with the support team to see if it is only users who are using Custom Templates that are having so many problems with the editor.

I have just emailed them 4 of my custom templates. As soon as I hear anything I will post back in this section.

I did find a way of making my description look readable. It's not a perfect solution and it takes a bit of time messing around with your wording, but at least its better than having one jumbled up mess.

Here's what I am doing for now, until it is fixed.

Write up your description, press the enter key as normal for your paragraphs etc. Then select ALL and click on the drop down box and select " NORMAL"

Your paragraph spaces will look huge, but just unclick the highlighted text, and shorten the spaces in between the sentances. Then look at it again on preview.

sometimes it works ! sometimes it don't The new editor is Posessed. !!!

The name they have given it the "FCKeditor" suits it don't you think ? because I tell you what. I am always muttering under my breath when using this darn thing " this F*C*K editor sucks.

I'll let you know what happens.

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