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Reply to "SLOW server response and timing out"

What about this?!

Why doesn't Auctiva come out with a sort of "list" or bulletin for everyone on the Top 5 (or 10 or whatever) ways to keep Auctiva running smoothely...

For instance...I'm sure that the servers are overloaded with excess "junk" that everyone has kept in their accounts...and if we as Users, would simply go in and "clean up" and "empty out" the excess, it would perhaps help 'speed up' the site since it's not having to carry all the "excess baggage"!

So, would it help the servers if we as users:
  • Empty the EVENTS Folder: so once you see your item has posted, or that you've fixed whatever issue it had to keep it from posting, delete the events! Why do we need to keep 200+ events in that folder that merely say "success, your item posted"? Great! Now DELETE IT.
  • DELETE photos that you no longer have products for (all that excess space is valuable when trying to list your auctions "fast").
  • DELETE auctions that have completed days, weeks, months ago if you no longer need to reference them, etc.

Those are just a few thoughts. With all these updates and maintainence issues, I thought it would be nice for once if we as users could do something to "help the site" and be less of a burden on Auctiva!

We complain of how pixs don't load and how sloooooow the site is running, but have we ever thought of a CONSTRUCTIVE way to HELP CORRECT the situation on OUR END instead of B __h & M __n (if you get my drift Wink) about the problems? NO! So I was hoping that some of those ideas would 'help', even if a little, would help.

That's all Big Grin

Auctiva, any thoughts?

Kathleen Smile
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