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Some annoying little things.

Well I hope you really want feedback as to how to improve the site! Smile So far I've found the listing process fairly strong but it could get even better so I thought I'd share some of my feedback.

One, every time I choose no counter and save(with shipping or payment info), it automatically reverts to the sellathon counter (I don't like counters on my auctions) - that should be a savable parameter.

two, It would be very nice if we didn't have to enlarge the shipping information box for each auction - just leave it open so we can specify shipping charges without having to save changes and wait for it to reload each time.

Three, why does it save and not automatically go to the scheduler when you hit the schedule auction button? having to then scroll down and hit post a second time (and also then to have to turn off the sellathon counter a second time) is rather burdensome.

Four, I would think that the image chooser would logically be easier if organized so that newest uploaded pictures were on the first page(s) rather than at the end - the more someone needs to surf their images the longer it takes for them to select them. By that same token get a page jump command at the top of that window, don't make people scroll down when looking to jump to their newest images. It might also be logical to throw some built in folders on that first screen - images 1)unused, 2)currently listed, 3)unsold, 4)sold, and 5) stock (or often used). It might make navigation easier, especially if you have a few hundred images floating around.

Lastly, perhaps there should be an option for your new listing page to be the user's standard format, instead of just "new listing" and then making them choose their standard format. I tend to use the same format time and time again and the more times you need to choose something and wait for your chosen format to come up gets wearying when listing numerous auctions. Speed is part of convienence and the faster and easier this becomes the more likely people are to use it.

Hope that helps your design team.

and thanks for all your hard work!

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