Here here, well said. Ha, if the ones complaining about the SD price increase knew about Auctiva, they'd be gone so fast, BF's head would spin. LoL, that would be a sight to see.
SD is okay, or at least, it use to be. Auctiva is a better interface / program. It is far more user friendly and organized. The staff is continually working out the bugs, upgrading, improving and moving upward and onward. All while offering stellar customer service. $8.95 for so so service with many broken features and zero customer support. Or FREE for killer service and fabulous customer support. What's to think about? Goodbye, SpareDollar parting is such sweet new horizons of great auction management service and no grumpy, bossy, egotistical bullies.
Ah, life is good.

Magie- Very well said. It is nice to see many former SD users here. I signed up for Auctiva on Oct. 15th. Comm. board Nov. 4th. I have been listing auctions & the format is so easy. Everything here actually works! We former SD users are not used to this wonderful treatment. I feel like a pig in sunshine!