Thanks for the warm welcome donna. I was brighteyes on SD. You might remember me. I used to post alot when I was new over at SD, and kept it up for a long time all through out the upgrades that lasted like forever LOL! Remember how awful that was?? It started in October, and was horrid for several months. Yeah, I had my times with BF, but I just kind of steered clear of him, and once he accepted me, he left me alone, but he loves to pick on newbies. He can be nice, but his EGO gets in his way. Tomas lets him have free reign. When I 1st joined, Tomas posted quite a bit, and you could email him and get an answer, but from what I am hearing, he is hardly available anymore. Customer service is very important. Seems like help is readily available here. Thanks again for the Welcome!