In all honesty, I seriously doubt, SpareDollar will be in operation beyond, eBay Live. Tomas said himself, that he had to update SD to comply with eBay's coding requirements by June. It's mid, March and he's out golfing! Hey, he has his priorities, dontcha' know. Why SDers continue on there is wayyyyy beyond me. Tomas' has doubled the fees to pay off his wife's new BMW before he jumps ship. Without fixing one thing! I could be wrong and I HOPE I am wrong. Time will tell.
Tomas lost me as a loyal paying customer when he failed to follow through with upgrades, showing zero concern for his customers and when he failed to control his looney bin AHL forum.
SpareDollar doesn't meet my standards or needs.
Oh yeah, welcome to any new migrators, lol!