quote:Originally posted by Capt. Binghamton:quote:Originally posted by Auctiva Jeff:I know where. The capt doubts us. Implying we're self destructing on another message board and making fun of us. You stinker!quote:Captain, where have you been hiding?![]()
Auctiva is here to stay and we're kicking rump! We're way bigger and growing way faster. If anyone is self destructing it's them and not us!![]()
Avast! A little sensitive are we?
*ahem* - ...so when yer competitor had some welfare-babies begging for more freebies, the cap'n said, in toto:
" I could give you a whole list of auction service providers that have either self-destructed or are in the throes of self-destruction, because they think they can make a living on good intentions alone. It's touchy-feely California-style raisin-pit food-co-op thinking. Watch Auctiva and mark my words."
...which is nothin' that the cap'n ain't said di-reckly to your ruddy, weather-beaten face right on these here boards (URL's furnished upon request).
(Err, though' I 'ardly ever heard a decent pirate resort to such profane epithets as "you stinker!")![]()
Cap'n Jeff, as yer battle-plan is to under-cut yer foes, ye should be happy that ol 'Bing is trying to get the new guys to charge fer their services. An he picked on Auctiva, out've the hole messa others he coulda' said, cause e'knew if he mentioned a big gun what everybody's heerd of, they'd pay more tension.
Like any other cum laudly graduate of the Academy Of Sackin' n' Pillagin', the cap'n knows that havin' one supplier of auction services is risky business. When that one and only is laid up or sinks, it can be a case a "any ol' port in a storm" come listin' day, which ain't no good. We gives our honnest opinions an tries to be helpful to every vendor from whom we partake, whether it's Auctiva or anyone else.
Now, havin' sed that, I gotta say Auctiva's me favorite porta call, especially since the new servers come in. They jest fired off a scheduled auction a'mine a few minutes ago like a broadside from me six-pounder.
So, remember what I told ye' back when the Dead Sea had jest took sick: There ain't nobody who wants you to make a fool outta him more than the cap'n.
Smoke if ya' gottem.
What you fail to grasp and it has been explained several times is...
This service is FREE for sellers because BUYERS are paying for it via insurance. Also, Auctiva has other relationships set up with Sellathon. So, if Auctiva members upgrade their Sellathon via Auctiva, they get a kickback.
Do you honestly believe Jeff is running Auctiva for the pure joy of it? He can say, Auctiva is free because essentially, for the sellers, it is BUT that isn't saying, they aren't getting PAID.
I'm verrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy sure Auctiva has a flat rate monthly insurance policy with UPic. I betcha' they get it for nothing, and I mean, nothing. Ten bucks or less. So, if you and anyone else is concerned about the health of Auctiva, make insurance madatory, or sell a lot more of it. Thousands of Auctiva members garnishing $1.30 or more for insurance IS paying for Auctiva.
Every time an Auctiva members pays for their insurance, they're paying for the use of Auctiva. A lovely concept. I like it. Savvy!
Captain --->>> Auctiva isn't working for free.
Get it? Got it? Good!