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Store window listing removed items

Ebay did it again, they accidentally removed over 500 of my listings. All my listings were removed, autions, fixed price, stores, even items that were sold and paid for. They have done this several times before. It's a computer glitch, what happened was they removed ONE item for a listing violation and all my listings disappeared. No, I am suspended. After several emails to Ebay, they confirmed that my account is in good standing, but they cannot explain why ALL my listings disappeared. They would not admit mistakes, they just can't explain it. It's a nightmare, and it happened again a couple days ago. I'm loading back up again now.

My problem is that autiva store windows still show active items from a couple days ago, items that are no longer active. Is there a way to update the active listings?

Basically, I like store window, I just need it to display current listings, not listings that have been removed.

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