Did you notice it also wrapped the code at practiceboard? That info to right of the thumbs is usually at the bottom. I'll try to get to the bottom (pun intended

The distortion problem appears to be stretching on your images attempting to "fit" the sizes on the image boxes. I noted you are using an approximate 3:2 aspect ratio (ratio of height to width) on the main image and thumbs. However, some of the photos used are apparently not at that ratio. If you are using a professional digital camera, some do have the ability to set the aspect ratio. 4:3 is standard for most digital cams. 3:2 and 16:9 (wide-screen) are often used for professional, and I agree with 3:2 for model / photo-shoot of clothing. If your cam doesn't have the setting, are you doing cropping of the photos? If so, does your cropping software have 3:2 as a standard selection?
Quick way to check a photo is 3:2 aspect ratio: divide the height in pixels by width in pixels. The result should equal about 1.5.