The only test I haven't done is run it through the Auctiva one-page lister to see if the tags are fully working. My code tester gives a clean bill. It's been checked in IE7, Firefox 3, and Safari 3.2.
The code includes the Description piece with <!--- comments --> to denote the beginning and end of that section. The [DESCRIPTION] tag also is commented out. Just need to copy the code to the template editor, remove /cut the Description section piece to the one-page, and uncomment the tag. That piece is now a stand alone TABLE for that right-element. The smoke-white background is in the template code, as is the font family. The entire template uses Verdana, with fallback to Arial, et. al. Font sizes you see are set in appropriate sections.
The Auctiva Preview should show whether the tags are working. Their was a typo on the main picture tag. That's why it failed. I also fixed the main pic, so it wouldn't droop if the right side box runs long.
The "Essentials" table is flexible. I added the "condition" and split the table for measurements on top. Seem like I recall seeing more possible measurements on other seller's listings. I also labeled the top of the section, so everything is easy to find.
There are many online tutorials, texts, and courses.
I've been coding since the 8th grade, back in the 60's. The arthritis and bifocals slow me down a little these days. hehe

Glad you like it. If you test it live, post back the listing number.