I didn't have alot of time to do extensive work with the lower section until this morning.
What do you think of this?
The USPS is hyperlinked to their Track and Confirm. Note mouseover effect.
I was at your Etsy page and found that mini-Logo. Power Seller logo is also a GIF (I know you're not one, yet.

I resection the group and added a Return Policy (an eBay must) using Seller Details [TERMS_OF_SERVICE] tag.
The Shipping is now a table you can cut and paste to the Seller Details (like the Description) to get that split effect.
Note, the "at a glance" ability to see:
1. You use USPS and "Track and Confirm"
2. You have both US and International with quick to find info
3. You use Priority Mail for both and have Free Delivery Confirmation in US
Oh...and I'm testing GIF animation packages and thought the Neon look on the upper banner was just too tempting, not to have some fun. And, you might consider free shipping at some point with $100 minimum.
The About Me and Contact headers are now hyperlinked with Mouseover store-green effect to your About Me page and Ask Seller Question.
This is probably more than you wanted today, but it does add alot to the lower section.
Do you still need help with the color problem?