Glad you like the design. I'm doing it "again" for another seller (not monochromatic). I'm trying to work-up a "set" of thumbnail templates around the "at a glance" and "SophieBox" design concepts. SophieBox is essentially an integration of the item description elements on a single screen, i.e. no paging down / scrolling to see everything necesary for an initial buy / no buy decision on an item. That would include the description and any "essential" information regarding the item, CHOICE when a choice of color, sizes, etc. are involved, and INVENTORY (the biggie) for the new retail paradigm at eBay. With the new (stupid) only 10 items in quantity showing policy, it's become a Seller's nightmare with buyers constantly messaging about in / out stock. Oh....and Sophie is my cat, and the probable ClixTrix Design Studio future logo. BTW....does a "catwalk" button in the design sound interesting. If you don't know what that is, ask your model to do one.

Template design is for fun. I get to do my artsie thing...hehe You should see me decorate a house. Programming is what makes a living, including patent royalties.
I honestly pledged not to accept money (or gratuities) from Auctiva members for assisting in the Forum. I'm (to be honest) PO'ed with eBay's insantity and "destructive desecration" of the site. The 33% drop yoy in hits tells me I'm not the only person offended or simply turned-off by their actions. It boggles my mind that the one element on the entire site that should be FOCUSED and FUNCTIONAL, the listing page, is being turned into a disfunctional, Rube Goldburg award candidate. My intell suggestes they literally exhausted their budget trying to make it work. Don't even get me started on the problems with Search, which stopped me COLD selling collectibles last spring.