From what I've checked/tested, the bug is in the template code itself. The images are actually OK, just wrong links due to some odd code change that happened last week.
It appears the template code was somehow modified to add some incorrect info to each of the template images URLs, so you get the red X boxes for the images during Preview and use. The actual string of bad code is consistently "a/[ACCOUNTID]" on each image. Remove the string and the image restores.
If it's on an active listing, it would require use of eBay Revise Listing editor to fix the code.
One work-around for new listings is to create a custom template from Auctiva's stock template and manually remove those code errors. Tedious, but doable.

I haven't seen Mike D. or Neil or anyone in the know post anything recently about a fix ETA on the templates. It looks like a "code-roll" scenario to me.