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Text repeating itself over one line

Ok Im hoping that someone can help me out with this or point me in the right direction. I have coded in HTML before but Im pretty new to the CSS2.

I was trying to edit one of the Auctiva Templates (Wheels - Yellow) to give it a custom color scheme and new car pictures for my auctions.

After I started editing the page and changing over all of the pictures with the new color that I wanted, I noticed that the text in the special boxes has started to come out only on one line. It is as if the boxes are not resizing themselves to take into account the text. I have been looking over the code again and again to see what might have been changed but I havent found anything.

I recreated a new template based on Wheels-Yellow and did not change anything to see if I got the same result. Sure enough as soon as it is saved as a new template it does the same thing. The only conclusion that I can come to is that the conversion into and editable template is causing problems somehow.

If possible can someone take a look at the modified code that I placed on and try to figure out where the editor or myself made a mistake?

Thanks in advance!
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