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Today's Auctiva Site Update - 12-15-2010

Hello Community,

We are pleased to announce that we have updated the site today. This update adds new money-saving pricing options for Auctiva users.

First, we have added three new prepayment options—each including an attractive, hefty discount—to our subscribers. For any of our three paid plans—the Premium $19.95 per month plan, the Unlimited $9.95/month plan, and the Basic $2.95/month plan—we are now offering users the alternative of purchasing a 12, 24 or 36 month subscription at a discounted price.

These prepaid plan options offer big savings to Auctiva subscribers. Customers who sign up to prepay for one year for any of the 3 plans (Premium, Unlimited, and Basic) will pay for 10 months of usage but will receive 12 months of usage. This is 2 months usage for free—a 16% savings as compared to paying the monthly fee for your plan. Customers selecting to prepay for two years will get receive 5 months usage for free, which is a 20% savings. And, users who sign up to prepay three years prepaid option will receive a full 9 months of service free, a 25% savings over the monthly fee.
An added advantage of pre-paying your Auctiva plan is that when you pre-pay, you ‘lock in’ your Auctiva pricing for the duration of the prepaid plan you choose—up to 3 years depending on the specific prepaid option you select.

Customers now paying monthly who elect to prepay their plan will be charged at the time they make their selection; their prepaid plan and duration they choose will take effect immediately. Users currently in their 30 day free trial period can also opt to prepay their choice of plan. In this case, the prepaid option that is selected will be charged and take effect when the 30 day free trial ends.

For more details please see our Payment terms at

In addition, we are also adding two valuable benefits to our $19.95/month Premium plan that add even more value to the Premium plan offering. As of the update today, Premium plan customers will now have the use of our Sellathon Analytics (Viewtracker) product at no extra cost. Sellathon Analytics is sold as Viewtracker separately for $8.95 per month, but, for Premium plan customers, it is now included as part of the Auctiva Premium plan for no additional fee. To make this even more useful, Premium plan users only will be able to view a graphical display of their Sellathon data directly within the Auctiva site.

As an added Premium plan benefit, we have also adding in the ‘Auctiva Desktop Manager,’ a downloadable desktop program that saves you time by organizing all of the steps you follow to close your transactions—ultimately helping you collect your money faster. This product sells separately for $11.95 per month, and is now included at no extra cost as a Premium plan benefit.

Auctiva Premium plan users who are also paid subscribers to Sellathon Viewtracker will want to cancel their payment for Sellathon, as the price of the Premium plan now includes the Sellathon service.

If you have any questions, please file a support case or post them here and I will get answers for you.
Auctiva Tony M. Sr. Product Manager,
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