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Too Many Books...Too Little Time to List

Hi, I need some advice please...I have obtain about 300 Paperback books, mostly Romance, I do not know anything about these. Like what is the diffence between Historical Romance vs Conempaorary Romance?

But my real problem is:
what is the best way to list these?

Do I open a store at a fixed price?
Do I sell as a lot/singles?

I want to use the prefill info from ebay, but do not what to use ebay listers, as Auctiva does not offer prefilled info for books yet.

I think I read somewhere on here, that I can list it on Auctiva, and then go back and revise though ebay to get the prefill info, will this work? will I get the stock photo O.K.?

I have done research on ebay, but I really can't find a pattern.

Do I get my listings ready for a 10 cent day?

Just what is the easyiest, most profitable way? Of course!

Ok, enough questions already!
I am just overwhelmed, any ideas?
Thanks in advance!!!

Oh yea, almost forget about the 100 classical cassettes and 100 classical music cd's
Best way to list?
Some People Dream of Success While Others Wake Up and Work Hard At It! - unknown
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