quote:Originally posted by Kim-from-Lisboa:
I'm new in auctiva! When I try to make a "new listing" or "load a profile" or "create a similar listing", it takes almost 1 minute to do any of these operations. Is this common?
By the way, how do I open 10 new listings in a bulk and just change the images?
Hello Ana,
I like ChooCooGuys' suggestion on trying FireFox as an alternative to IE6/7 for working on Auctiva. I might actually do that, though I tend not to have too many issues with IE. Thanks Choo!

ChooChooGuy suggested to you:
"I would also suggest you upload all images to Auctiva first via the bulk uploader using IE not FF before creating your listing, much quicker then uploading into each listing."
I would like to elaborate on uploading your pics.
I found what helps is to really sit down first and think about how you are going to organize all of your photos. Instead of uploading all photos into one folder, I decided to create multiple folders for various themes. I also created a folder for items that I have sold but no longer carry. This way if the day comes I carry them again, I can move them out of the 'Black Hole Folder' and into the folder that is active.
Example would be:
Images > Manage Folders > Create Folder
Toys Action Figures
Toys Vehicles
Games Boardgames
Games Card and Puzzle
Hopefully you get the idea. This way when you get all of your folders created and move to upload all of your photos from your computer to Auctiva, you can throw each photo into its folder during uploading. Saving a lot of time. Oh and don't forget to give each folder a different color scheme. (ex. Games might be all green, Toys might be all yellow and the Black Hole for pics not used anymore, Black perhaps)

When you create a listing and you click on 'Select an Image', you can go to the folder you need, and more easily select the photo you need.