I'm using firefox as instructed by Auctiva for Mac users.
When I go into the description box nothing works ... i can't format text, none of the buttons for doing so change font, color, size, center, etc.
Also, as I type I get warning sounds for each key I press, and whatever I type appears at the bottom in the find frame.. then the cursor hops to another place where I have that same letter and begins to type from there.
Basically the only thing working properly is when I use the html mode.
And the html mode is filled with <br/>'s where I don't want them. Also a mess is the </font>'s all over the place.
Photos don't load correctly into the listing. a warning pops up that some sort of script is slowing things down. When I click done things just sit there... it's iffy photos will appear. Changing the arrangement is a nightmare.
Of all the problems, the worst is trying to type in the description area...
I am also identified as a newbie .. I've been using auctiva for months now and tho I'm still learning some aspects, I am most definitely not a newbie. would appreciate another label as newbie implies that I don't know much.