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unable to list using mac os 9.2

I started using auctiva a month ago as a work-around for the new ebay SYI3 form - and all seemed well....

my last successful listing on Auctiva was April 3rd, but when I returned to the site and tried to list on April 10th - disaster struck!

I try to list a new item, or try listing using one of my saved templates and all I get is that little frozen clock. So I force quit, reboot, try again - and the same thing.

So I came to the message board here and the stock answer seems to be "unload your cache." so I do that - and same thing! I called customer support and they insist they haven't tweeked anything, but they suggest I unload my cookies - and yes... same thing happens!

I'm using a mac G4 OS 9.2.2 with Mozilla 1.2, Netscape 7, IE 5.1, iCab 3.03.

I'm able to get the furthest using iCab - but am unable to successfully do my gallery photos.

I just need to know if anyone else here is having issues with auctiva since they've tweeked their system in the last week. I see other posts where people have had issues - but they later write back that their issue was resolved.

Please DO NOT tell me to upgrade to Firefox! Firefox IS NOT compatible with my OS. It seems I've heard every stock answer in the book - does anybody have any non-stock answers?
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