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Reply to "unable to list using mac os 9.2"

I screwed something up on my OSX on my G4, so I'd have to do a re-install... but I'm afraid to because when I read the install instructions, they said that everything currently on my computer would be erased. Now I don't know if that meant "everything" as in everything that is also in OS 9.2 or just the stuff pertaining to OS10. Also, I found that I could open my programs in OS10 (when it was working!), but I couldn't find my 14 years of files created in the previous OS - so what's the point - right? The children at the Apple Store are useless - I've been using mac since before 1/2 of them were born. They were raised on new macs, so old mac questions seem to stump them!

The problem with mac mini's is that I'd also have to buy the peripherals to go with it - and on top of that - they changed the mini's over to the new intel which doesn't support the classic environment.

I'm considering buying a PC (or as we old schooler's call them - IBM compatibles) but I'm afraid of the whole virus thing. It seems that everybody I know that has one has to invest in mega protection software (scans and firewalls, etc) and they still end up melting down anyway. That's why I love mac. My issue with my OS10 was from my own mistake - not some internal "computer takes a dump for no reason" reason.

All of that to say...

I'm considering buying a Dell, since I was approved for a dell line of credit - but I am not well-versed in the Windows language. Should I stick with the previous Windows XP or should I go all out and do the Vista thing? As far as internet stuff goes, is Vista (since it's new) too buggy - or is it going well? Also, should I go with the latest IE or do you recommend another browser? My main concern is computer security.

I know this all seems off topic - but I really do like the features of Auctiva. And I'd like to stick with it if possible. And as many people who whine about the scrolling store window, I have noticed an increase in sales since using it. And my husband and I would like to ramp up our ebay business a bit - and having a listing program like Auctiva would be very beneficial.
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