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Unable to Resolve Problem thru Auctiva Support Case - Please help!!!

I've opened a Support Case, and have been writing back and forth, and the problem still exists! I'm at my wits end; hoping someone there can please help me!
My account is fine; I've used auctiva with my eBay listings for about a year now; everything's smooth as silk. I've opened an ecommerce store (haven't completed it yet); so far, everything's fine there.

My problem is this: I've been hired by someone to revise her eBay listings, and help her get set up with a nice template, and train her.
She needs to change the color of her auctiva scroll; I want to set up a simple listing for her using an auctiva template, and teach her how to use auctiva in conjunction with eBay. Simple enough!
The problem? The auctiva ID that has a token with her eBay account is someone she's no longer working with.
This is the latest response from tech support, and it doesn't help at all:
"I checked that e-mail address and it is not in our system. However, regardless of this second account, as Gregg explained, her listings from her "xxxx" eBay account have scrolling galleries that are pointing to her Auctiva account. Closing that account and trying to open up a new one will cause all of the existing scrolling galleries to quit working correctly.

So, we strongly recommend that she continue using her xxx Auctiva account. Any other course of action will lead to undesirable effects."

Could someone PLEASE help me?

Thank you!

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