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Understanding Ebay Fees


I am relatively new to listing my inventory items on Ebay..

I have a small business in which I am listing items that sell for $10.95 up through $70.00.

I have created Fixed Price listings for these items and listed approximately 100 of them on ebay...

It seems that the Ebay Insertion fees are eating up any and all revenues...Am I doing something wrong?

From my research, it looks like Ebay charges an insertion fee when products are listed...Then charge a final fee if they are sold...

When I set them up on Auctiva I use "Estimated Fees" and most times it is $0.35...

I am being charged $0.35 for the insertion and then $1.31 for a Final Value Fee....That is $1.66 on a $10.95 sale...That is not to mention the Paypal fees, etc. etc....What am I doing wrong? How are people selling items for $4.95 and making any money?

It is my understanding that Fixed priced items do not qualify for a relist credit on the insertion fee??

When I first listed these items, I did not even know about the inseration fees...I thought that Ebay was paid only if an item sold...What a deal for them!

What recommendations do you have for a small busines that will keep selling the same items over and over and over...List for 21 days Make many available??

Thanks for any advice...I have to figure this game out..

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