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Uploading images is soooo time consuming

My listings are heavy with photos. Uploading all these pics to Auctiva, so that I can point my listing to them, is easily my most time consuming task. I spend hours uploading pics.

Why hours? First of all, it sux that Auctiva only allows us to upload 35meg at a time. This means I have to keep uploading batch, after batch, after batch. If I could at least instigate the uploading of ALL my pics, I could then walk away and start packing auctions, have lunch, or something productive. 2nd, I don't think I've ever had a batch of pics upload, without at least one error, causing me to have to reupload that batch.

So, I think the method of first uploading our images to Auctiva, and then pointing our listings to those pics, is a poor method.

I would love to create my listing, via auctiva, and then point that listing to my LOCAL pictures. Then, I'd click "post", and Auctiva would upload my images as part of the auction posting procedure. That way I could move on to creating my next listing...and no delay. I'd never have to baby sit image uploading, again.

Does this seem like a feasible feature Auctiva could consider?
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