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Reply to "Uploading pictures into listing"

How do you get your pictures to appear when you click "select image" for pictures?

Normally, you should get a pop-up Windows where you can select images, i.e. you can click-off #1 to #24 (all at once from one pop-up). As you click-off on an image it will assign it a consecutive 1 to 24 number in a labeled box that will appear on each image. The first / #1 image becomes the default Header and Gallery Image (which must NOW BE THE SAME DUE TO EBAY CHANGE). If you want to override the HEADER/GALLERY you can select one of the other (2 - 24) or a Custom image (another from your image library).

I hope that helps. If it's not working that way, could be a bug or problem. You can also upload images from that initial pop-up I mentioned (there's an Upload button on the Window).

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