quote:Originally posted by carolelliott:
Hello and Welcome !!!
Auctiva at first can seem daunting (like any new software is) but once you get the hang of it, its a breeze !
I love auctiva, the customer service and users are first class, you always get help and very fast answers to your questions.
I moved over from spare dollar a few weeks ago and I have never looked back.
To help you create a New Template with auctiva, we will need to see your old template first. Can you copy and paste your old template into this link http://www.practiceboard.com/
then save the link number, and post the saved link number back into here.
That will give users and tech support the ability to view your template and work on it for you.
There is always the option to choose from hundreds of New Templates that auctiva already supplies in the "LISTING" section.
You can also create from New in there, or you can go to the "custom templates forum" where you will see a link where Free templates made by auctiva users are posted. You just click on the link number, and copy and paste the free template into the text view box (under the listing tab in auctiva)
Re-name the template ~ click save ~ and it will save the template so that you can attach it to your new made auction.
sounds confusing at first, but play around making test auctions for awhile.
You will also need to make "Your profiles" you attach any or all your profiles to your auction before posting to ebay.
Hope this is not too much info in one gobut if you start with pasting your original template from your other host first, we can start there for you.
Ask lots of questions, you will get help. and the people are very nice here. Good Luck
Thanks Carole, I think that this is what you need to help me...You are right, you are nice! I wish I was a little more computer savvy but I think it may be a problem of old dogs learning new tricks...here is the # from the practise board...http://www.practiceboard.com/?2646450