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Visa and its banking partners preparing to eat PayPal alive—at last!

It is with very great sorrow that “Dr Death” Donahoe MBA (aka Peter Principle), resident witch doctor at eBay, is expected to announce the probable imminent demise of eBay’s most ugly daughter, PayPal. He is expected to advise the market that it is probable that PayPal is about to be stricken by a particularly virulent strain of Visa + CyberSource, accompanied by financial institutions complications. If so stricken, PayPal is then expected to deteriorate rapidly and, if ultimately not completely incapacitated, will most likely be eventually confined to what little is by then left of the Donahoe-devastated eBay Marketplaces. There is no cure for the condition, and Dr Death will undoubtedly also say that he is particularly saddened by the inevitable presumption that it is unlikely PayPal will be able to continue to underpin eBay’s bottom line into the future. A detailed examination of and prognosis for the patient at

eBay/PayPal/Donahoe: Dead Men Walking
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