quote:<a href="http://members.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=fitnessfromscratch" class="about"></a>
The simple answer is, there isn't anything within the anchor tags to "anchor", i.e. you need an element within the tag for the anchor to operate correctly. I see how they are used as tabs, so I'd suggest using the images that are currently set as background for the tabs/buttons by the class style as the anchors, e.g. <a href="link"><img src="image url"></a> That way a click anywhere on the image (sets the boundary for the anchor) will get the link.
Note, add target="_blank" to the anchor code to abide by eBay new design policy on link to new/blank page for listing links.
Hope that helps.
BTW...nice banner.

Oh, and if that change doesn't appeal, try adding this funky-code as the anchor element.

<b style="display:block; font-size:24px; height:24px; width:100%; cursor: pointer"></b>
.bfunky {display:block; font-size:24px; height:24px; width:100%; cursor: pointer}
<b class="bfunky"></b>
If the editor still objects, put a blank space between b's as text.
Gots to Loves the bold tagzies. hehe