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What is the best way to save listings or templates

Im not sure where to put this.

OK, here is the end result I am trying to do. I have (4) different templates Id like to use. I am trying to create 4 identical listings (with the exception of each using a different "template") and keep each one saved in my "saved listings"

This might make more sense using an example:
Im selling item "XYZ". I sell them using a BIN listing and have 5-10 "XYZs" available each time I list. I have created the listing using (1) of my (4) templates (Ill call it template #1). The listing is saved in my "Saved Listings" and is named (what ever is typed in the "Title" box when I created the listing to begin with)(XYZ, great gifts, yada yada yada)

Currently, I just "relist" when it ends, or I go to my "saved listing" and "list" it from there.

Now, Id like to sell the same "XYZ" using the exact same listing features with 1 exception, Id like to use template #2 or #3 or #4.

I know I can just use "create similar listing", use the original and change ONLY the "template" being used but how can I save it? Since the "listing" is saved using the "title", once I save it, it will overwrite my original. Id have to use some kind of generic "titles" (XYZ, template #1)(XYZ, template#2) and so on. But if I do that, wont they have that same generic "title" when it gets sent to ebay for listing?

What if I want to just schedual my listing to start? How whould I do that if the "title" is not correct?

Im I doing something wrong?
Am I missing something?
Is there a better way to save it?
Or is this a program flaw?...if this is the case, maybe an option to "name" a complete listing so it can be saved by "name" rather than by "title"
Maybe have a "save as"

What is the "Template Title" box for when creating a "listing"? If I type something in there, I dont see where it shows up at? If I dont type there, it gets filled with the "title" by default.

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