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Reply to "WHEN will Auctiva fix the font problems???"

Mike while I appreciate your answer, and honestly to me, NO answer to me ='s we DO NOT CARE!! Just talk tot he hand!

However, this has been issue for a very, very long time. (couple of years I believe, correct me if I am wrong) The GO AROUNDS for every issue are getting out of control!! Every problem results in a go around which is costing us MONEY!!! For everything that is NEW AND IMPROVED seems something was dropped. (spell check at one time, NOW the one go around that helped us fix this issue in reasonable amount of time)

Please, please, please I beg you please quit re-inventing the wheel over and over and then fixing the wheel, and fix some of the go arounds!! Those are the things that cost us MONEY!!

I am telling you the go arounds are NOT a solution to all issues and are very frustrating "FIX".
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