quote:Originally posted by Caviar Dreams:
... I don't really want to have to refund paid for auctions since that tends to piss people off (not to mention I will almost definately lose the eBay fees) and I am still growing my business, but I can't afford to take a big hit because I am just little old me trying to pay rent. Does anybody else have this concern and, if so, any thoughts about making it better?
IMHO ... I can sympathize with your plight, however, I'd rethink the idea of refunding payments to your customers who won auctions and paid for them. They won them fair and square for whatever the highest bid was. Just because the price didn't go as high as you needed it to go, is not a valid reason to do that. Essentially, you'd be backing out the "agreement" you made with your customer via the auction process, and I'm sure that's against the rules, and it's just not right. You might have customers complain to eBay and then they may suspend your ID or similar ugly action.


Is there a way for you to get more items (like the ones that you've recently sold) and put those up for auction after the server problem is resolved (or list directly on eBay 'til then), and hope for higher bids? Since I don't know what you sell or how many pictures you use for each listing, I throw this out only as a helpful suggestion.