All this squacking from everyone about how Auctiva is letting you down and that they are not staying on top of things, well here is my thoughts on that. It's FREE! and they are saving you all money and providing a lot of cool features! If you want to bi8ch, go on an eBay forum, they are the one getting your money!! Talk about biting the hand that feed you! Damn!
Yes, I also list under Parts & accessories and BTW my auctions are still doing better than BIN fixed price items and I'm making more money by saving fees! But this DSR krap is extorting me into listing at a higher price and lower shipping or be shut down. And as far as Free Shipping is concerned, that's another way for extort more fees out of you pocket and lets all donate the 10% you have left to our favorite charities and get a free ribbon of your color choice to display in your listing.
We pay as much as anyone else for the privilege to list on eBay so why should anyone's listing be pushed back or forward by how we list?
Auctiva, are you going to take my advice and open your own auction site yet?
I feel a lot better now that I got my Friday night words in