Anyway the search I ran before for SuthrnJewl blog returned your blog RSS on the 3rd page and blog page on the 4th page which is why you probably didn't see it.. not very high rankings I guess.

Rick's comes up #3 on the first page though when I search for rickobradford blog (notice the "o")
Anyway, we're looking into ways that we can help to increase the rankings of auctiva stores in general on Google and other search engines. Obviously we can't totally control what Google does, but we can try to give it a nudge

1) Make use of your META Title and META Keywords (http://www.auctiva.com/stores/editmetatags.aspx). The META Title especially heavily influences what keywords your store will come up for, particularly for Yahoo and MSN searches. For the META Keywords, try to use those same words scattered through your blog. About 3-4 uses of the word on the page is good.
2) Link to your auctiva store and/or blog from your other websites and blogs, and in your signatures for community boards like this one. The more links going to it, the higher Google will rank the page. Also you'll get more traffic to your store from people just clicking on the links.
3) Use a Custom Domain (http://www.auctiva.com/stores/managedomains.aspx). Google likes to see other websites instead of everything just coming from www.auctiva.com, so you should get a higher ranking using your own domain name. Plus it will look better for your customers. For example, in URL bar of their browser instead of http://www.auctiva.com/stores/viewstore.aspx?id=6466&tab=3 they would see http://www.yourdomain.com/blog.aspx.

4) Update your blog often. Google likes a frequently updated website and will crawl your pages more often. This helps so your keywords and items are always current for people searching Google. If you already blog on other sites, it only takes a minute to copy that blog into your auctiva account right?

Donna, I noticed you have a domain name redirecting to your Auctiva store (http://www.southernjewel.com/). Why don't you add that to your Auctiva account via the manage domains page and use a CNAME for storefilter.auctiva.com instead of straight URL redirect so your buyers will get to remain on southernjewel.com instead of being redirected to auctiva.com?
-- Auctiva David