quote:Originally posted by Auctiva David:
Hehe on a side note, searching for "rick bradford" auctiva blogalso comes up with http://suthrnjewl.spaces.live.com/ in the results
Anyway the search I ran before for SuthrnJewl blog returned your blog RSS on the 3rd page and blog page on the 4th page which is why you probably didn't see it.. not very high rankings I guess.
Rick's comes up #3 on the first page though when I search for rickobradford blog (notice the "o")
Anyway, we're looking into ways that we can help to increase the rankings of auctiva stores in general on Google and other search engines. Obviously we can't totally control what Google does, but we can try to give it a nudgeSome tips you can do yourself as well:
Donna, I noticed you have a domain name redirecting to your Auctiva store (http://www.southernjewel.com/). Why don't you add that to your Auctiva account via the manage domains page and use a CNAME for storefilter.auctiva.com instead of straight URL redirect so your buyers will get to remain on southernjewel.com instead of being redirected to auctiva.com?
-- Auctiva David
Yeah..Rick and I cross promote one another as trusted sellers. <smile> Once I know someone is a trusted seller then I'll swap links.
As for your suggestions.....THANKS!
I have my meta tags researched via Google adwords for higher SEO and use pretty much the same one for all of my domains and selling sites. So I have the Meta Tag "thang" down pat.
I haven't blogged bout Auctiva in about a month..so I'll do that tomorrow.
I understand completely and agree with the domains personal note you mentioned. And some of your members would be wise to do what you're saying. Use Google Adword find out the top search terms for what they're selling and buy the domain name/names.
I own quite a few domains and have them with Namecheap so I can direct/redirect/forward URLs myself. I.E., I used to have Southernjewl.com forwarded to my ecrater store clothing outside of eBay...I just redirected it not over a month ago to the current url.
Sometimes I want to redirect my sites and/or upload files via the cpanel. Flexibility is a key factor for me. My site is being redesigned right now by KWK Designs and waiting to move forward in another direction so having access available to upload html and files is imperative. Not just redirecting or forwarding.
I have two other blogs going right now and will work on the copy and paste. Like copying and pasting is such hard work. <smile> Time has not been my friend lately though. <smile>
Thanks again David,