One sponsored link I tried said "... cheaper here than eBay" and guess what the site was all links coming back to various eBay sellers hmmm, so harmless but others are to large 3rd party websites. Yes they can print money now, take our money and listings and put us up against professional big boys (who no doubt have to pay big $ as well) and let us fight it out, (insert expletive of your choice here)! Long time ago there was talk of a level playing field for all sellers small and large well now eBay have tilted in favour of the 'house'.
So I closed my eBay store but I am keeping the very useful Auctiva storefront and SG for displaying auction items.
I believe I will be able to sell more SIF type items far more effectively on a younger more vibrant looking site who are just introducing modest monthly fees (with no insertion or FVF) that will still work out a lot cheaper in monthly subscriptions even if the sell through rate is low as it cannot be worse than invisible SIF on eBay. Their name T*zb*r, (replace * with 'a').
The SIF must be in trouble due to the recent eBay UK half price promotions during which I listed a lot of items on with little results, I believe this is mainly due to my customer base not being able to find out how to search for store inventory items due to option burying antics of eBay.