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Reply to "Yet ANOTHER relisting question! lol"

Hi lulanosk,

To relist an item that didn't sell with hopes of recovering your listing fee, you must relist directly through eBay. When ou do this, you can change info like price, title, or anything that's not within the template. If you want to change the template or something within, you can relist the item then revise it via the following method:

1) Locate your listing in your Saved Listings folder, make any necessary changes, and save.
2)Check the box next to your updated listing in your Saved Listings folder and click the “Get html” button.
3) Copy the html in the popup box.
4) Locate the item on eBay and click the "Revise Item" button.
5) Click "Edit Description" then click the "Entor your own html" tab.
6) Paste the copied html in place of what's there and save your changes.

If you don't care about the listing fee reimbursement, you can just locate the listing in your Saved Listings folder, revise it, and post.

You will have the ability to revise and relist, with reimbursement eligibility, when we release Auctiva phase II in May 2006.

I hope this helps=)

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