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Reply to "You have added something?"


I was now able to create a custom template without the boxes but could not do it yesterday. Tried several times, so something must have changed from the code end. Thank you!

Also, I thought I would be able to change the saved listings by changing the profile but that doesn't work with Auctiva (it did with another service I used). So, each saved listing has to be manually changed on an individual basis. Not an asset to us Sellers, not an asset to Auctiva as a service to Sellers. No respect for our time... Very, very disappointing. Maybe in the future, would you guys please do things differently? Make it a choice, don't force us to live with your choices or to have a ton of extra work simply because you thought it looks best. What is good for one may not be for others.

Thanks again, sorry for the rant but I am very annoyed with this.

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