When working with saved Listings, in order to select a new folder you have to press "GO".
When working with saved Images, in order to select a new folder you just select it from the drop down and it shows the images in the new folder.
I like it the Images way...and think that both should be the same...
In Image Management, I usually work in a Folder (nice feature) however, if I delete one Image in that folder or replace one Image in that folder, then I'm sent back to the All Folders view rather than staying in the folder that I was working in. I'd like to stay it to stay in the Folder that I am working in...
There does not appear to be any way to specify how many default Profiles show up per page like can be done with the Listings or Images. I like that feature and think it should be added to Profiles as well.
That's all for now...
