Did my first full listing (others were old re-listed items). I listed, and had to go back into revise, here were my problems:
First I thought I told it to Add Gallery, I chose from the drop down menu at right which picture I wanted, but it wasn't there. No picture on gallery at all, didn't charge me until I went in and revised it.
2nd, I remember entering my returns policy, didn't show up. Finally found it under master plan and it was there, but still I had to add it.
3rd, the gallery url? I had to go back and copy image location and insert it. Took me several tries at this, it kept saying my url was wrong. Finally got it. any ideas on what I did wrong?
And Lastly, When first setting up, I had went in and set my seller details and saved. I found things I needed to change on them. When I went to "manage profiles" I couldn't find edit "seller details" so I had to type in new ones. Where would you go to edit seller details? Sorry for so many questions, but like to get it all at once. Anybody up for me?