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Any listing I imported from Ebay pre-active content still contains active content that was put there by Auctiva.

Their removal tool didn't touch any of these listings

Shouldn't Auctiva remove this content since I didn't put it there to begin with? I am a full paying member and am completely frustrated trying to get hold of customer service live!

Anyone else with the same issue?


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Original Post
Great question scottwdieterle, and the short answer is we do!

Any listings imported from ebay will not be changed, so you have access to those listings in their original form. Once you attempt to post a listing through Auctiva, our error check process ensures you won't post a new listing with active content.

Any listings not posted through Auctiva, we aren't able to perform a pre-posting review (i.e. if you post from ebay) to ensure the listing does not contain active content, however our active listing sync process will run within 48 hours or posting and we will remove any active content we find!

Your best bet is to schedule postings through Auctiva, but even in the cases where you don't, we've still got you covered.

Don't hesitate to open a support case, or use our live chat feature (as a paying pro plan user), if you have more questions.


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