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Hi JamesG,

If you would like a thumbnail of your image to appear on eBay's search results pages, rather than the camera, you will need to add a gallery image to the listing. This can be accomplished via the following process:

1) Log into your eBay account and click on "My eBay"
2) Click on the item for which you'd like to change the gallery image.
3) Right click on the image you'd like to make your gallery image and click "Properties"
4) Copy the image begins with "http://..."
5) Click "Revise Your Item"
6) Click "Edit pictures & details"
7) In the "Gallery Image URL” field, paste the copied URL over the existing one and save your changes.

I hope this information proves useful. If you would like further assistance, please file a support request using the appropriate link on our help page:


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