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I needed to add an image to one listing and delete and replace photos on another. (That's what I get for posting at midnight). I followed the directions on Auctiva's help page and NEITHER ONE WORKED.

1) When I deleted and uploaded new photos, on Auctiva, it showed that the thumbnail and main picture was the new #1 picture, but on Ebay it still came up as the old picture.

2) When I followed the add instructions Auctiva did not show that the photo was uploaded, so I tried it again. Still didn't show anything. And no pic showing up in the thumbnail spot. So, I uploaded the pic through eBay. Then, when I viewed the item, there are 4 of the same pic on the item description! So, I went back into Auctiva saved listings to try to delete the extra photos - and they do not show up... so I don't know how to get rid of the extra photos.

Any insight?
Original Post
Hi creative*genius,

The instructions in the FAQ that entail making changes to your saved listing from which the active listing you'd like to revise was posted and then applying those changes to the active listing using eBay's "Revise your Item" form actually only work to change the images within the description section of the listing.

Based on your description of the experience you had when trying to do that, it sounds like you did not apply the changes you made to the active listing after updating the saved listing from which the item was posted. After updating the saved listing and saving your changes, you would still need to do the following to apply those changes to the active listing:

1) Click the "<HTML> icon to the right of the item on your "Saved Listings" page
2) Select All and copy the html in the popup window.
3) Locate the item on eBay and click the "Revise Item" button.
4) Scroll down to the "Description" section and then click the "HTML" tab above the description editor.
5) Delete the existing description HTML, paste the copied HTML in its place, and save your changes.

If you would like to change the gallery/header image in the listing, that particular change would need to be done directly through eBay's "Revise your Item" form. Assuming you don't have image protection enabled, you should be able to change the header/gallery images in your listings via the following process:

1) Visit the item on eBay.
2) Right-click the image you’d like to make your new header/gallery image and click “Properties”
3) Copy the image URL, which begins with http://...
4) Click the “Revise your Item” link at the top of the auction page.
5) Click the “Add Pictures” button.
6) Delete the text(if any) in the “Enter URL…” field(if any) and replace it with the copied URL.
7) Click the “Insert Pictures” button and save your changes.

The easiest way to simply delete the extra, unwanted pictures you added accidentally would be to go to the eBay "Revise your Item" form for the listing and then click the "Standard" tab on the editor. You should then be able to see the unwanted images within the description editor and delete them by selecting each with your cursor and clicking the "Delete" key on your keyboard.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our customer support team using the web form on the following page of our site:


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