There isn't. A permanent method probably isn't needed and just adds another site stored element and page changes, but a simple cookie(s) to set the several page defaults on the site might be a good idea. The 30 60 90 All for days on some pages is another example. A button next to the option with "Set as Default" is an interesting idea. Why not place that one in the suggestion section.
BTW...I think they've implemented many of these page load defaults to help speed-up access to the database and load times.
Edit: To elaborate on my thinking with example, many look at the Closed Listings page to locate all their eligible RELISTS. If there were a cookie to set the page for loading with last 90 days and UNSOLD as default, that gets what you regularly want and does save on page reloads. Anything that both speeds up the site and operates to improve member efficency is tops in my book. It's one of the better uses for cookie.