My DSR's and feedback are good, surely ebay have some sense? If I was selling fakes, surely with 102 items sold someone would have complained or left me bad feedback. Its just plain stupid and annoying.
Common Sense (like Elvis) has left the eBay building.

I started my selling "break" in mid-April and I'm not unhappy, not selling in a venue with an unknown business plan that seems to exclude or undermine small sellers, a once thriving buyer and seller community in break-down and open warfare, civil disobedience protestors putting their "nuts", "first eBay dollar", etc. up for sale, annual "tax" (fee) hikes that are regressive in creating revenues by disensentifying the seller to maximize use of the venue for sales (aka Reaganomics works) and cheat on their taxes (fee avoidance), and draconian measures to force more taxes to the bottom line by disallowing business to pass-through costs of operation and ebay taxes (spin-down cycle effect).
IMO, it's a business model that peaked (around late 2004) and is in very bad trouble due to wrong-headed thinking. I would NOT tie any business future to such a model.
Edit: Does that make Auctiva a "tax-shelter" or "free-trade-zone" from eBaynian repressive taxes?

I believe Auctiva will actually become the focus-point for Sellers in a free Internet market paradigm, especially if they move to an open, ubiquiteous model for services to all venues with an eCommerce anchor store.