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I need to list the same product every other day as a Buy It Now, Immediate payment Required, PayPal only. I have yet to find a way to simply click off the dates on a calendar then, with one more click, have all listings scheduled. Ideally, I would also get the listing number in advance but that may not be possible. Today I have to do them one at a time and it takes a few hours a month. I'm on a Mac if that matters.Thanks for any suggestions.
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There are some limited scheduling functions built into Auto-Relist that could keep a cycle of relist submissions rotating and might even help fill gaps for BIN sales to keep items constantly available. It does have a Weekly (day and time) relist function e.g. Sat 12:55 PM Relist works on the basis of listing close and choice of status at close: sold/unsold/partial sold, relist credit, and inventory available.

It may not be a perfect solution, but it's worth a look.

What duration are you using on those listings?

Thanks. All of my listings are 7 days. I actually have 13 items. Some are listed daily, some every other day, some every 3rd day and some every 5 days. Unfortunately, I doubt that I could save any time with the Relist function that you mention. I'm surprised that many others don't have similar needs and I'm also surprised that such a seemingly simple function isn't built into Auctiva and other listing apps. But maybe it's not as simple a function as it appears.
I just relist as auctions are bought.

That is until ebay decided to restrict my account with no notice or explanation.

100% feedback, 4.8 and 4.9 in DSR's so its not a bad seller thing.

Waiting to hear back with a reason.

Quite peeved about it really.

Has anyone had this happen to them before?

"You cannot submit your listing due to the following problems

Attention Seller:

Thank you for choosing to sell on eBay.

To help protect both buyers and sellers, we may place limits on sellers' accounts. You can't list any more of these items for 30 days.

If you have any questions about this, please email us and we'll be happy to help.

To see our policy on counterfeit items, click here.

To see an overview of all of our listing policies, click here."

I find the "thank you for choosing to sell on Ebay" quite amusing, seeing as at the moment I can't

They haven't pulled any of my listings, or even sent me a message as to why, I have no negative or neutral feedback, no disputes, no complaints. But I'm not allowed to list anything more.
You can't list any more of these items for 30 days.

I've been Restricted for 7 days in the past on a Category, but I hadn't heard of a 30 day.

The non-Power Sellers are bugs on the eBay truck windshield.....just another splat!

I was beginning to think the new pop-up calendar widget in the Scheduler was step one to a more refined multi-list function using same, but so far no joy. I think they see the need, it's probably just resources and time.

I was hoping to get power seller too.

About 1/2 way there, hoped to be within their limits by the time they worked out the July ones, or August at the latest.

But if I can't list anything for 30 days, thats that screwed, I'm glad I didn't give up work yet to do this, as I would have been in really big trouble.

Did they give you a reason why you were restricted fr 7 days?

And while you were restricted could you list in your shop?

I was thinking of opening a shop, but at the moment all my listings are due to expire in 6 days, seeing as I haven't been able to list anything since 25 June, so a shop now is pointless if I don't have the auctions to show them to the shop.

I just wish ebay had notified me of why, the listings havent been pulled, so it can't be anything to do with them. And like I said before feedback is good, DSRs I'm very proud of. Its the no warning and not knowing thats peeving me off.
Did they give you a reason why you were restricted fr 7 days?

Not really. 100% FB, 5.0/5.0/5.0/4.9 at the time last fall with no negs or neuts. I was literally cleaning-out my closet and bookselves and they don't like software sales (hadn't sold in the category before). They took off the restriction (limit 10 including listing updates) after about 4-6 weeks. Even adding the Andale counter added to the listing count (as an update), so I could only do 5 per week and hope no changes were needed. Eek By the time the restriction was gone, the closet was almost empty anyway. Except for a few multiple copies of certain products, almost every listing was unique. The counterfeiters list 100s/1000s, while the single item seller gets restricted. That's a weird set of policy code running at eBaynia computers these days.

I am selling designer mens clothing, but it is genuine. Seems to be stupid, can't they look at feedback?

Ok I only have a feedback score of 46, but thats from 102 sales, half the people don't leave feedback, and I hate getting emails asking me for feedback, so I refuse to send them out.

I only started this account a few months ago when I decided to try ebay out to see if I could make a living from it, listed a small batch (50 minimum order) of polos to see if it would work, they sold well, people were happy and I thought OK this could work, so I ordered about £2k worth of stock, and now I can't list half of it. To top my supplier has 500 polos put to the side for me, which I'm supposed to pay for on Monday, and I think why bother, I can't even sell them.

My DSR's and feedback are good, surely ebay have some sense? If I was selling fakes, surely with 102 items sold someone would have complained or left me bad feedback. Its just plain stupid and annoying.

Really makes you think about going somewhere else, but Amazon is too complicated in my opinion, and ebid too quiet,... sigh just when things start looking up.
Hi All,

Yunno it makes me wonder whether trying to make a living, or at least supplement it, through eBay is a risky business given that they can do things like that!!

I have just opened a basic shop after looking around at hosting my own web site. There are plenty of externally hosted opportunities out there with excellent eCommerce capability. The reason that I stuck with eBay for now is that we already had some (albeit small) visibility and quite a bit of work had gone into listing templates etc.

However whether, in the long run, driving traffic to your sales is more effective with eBay or with an external site through say Google, is something that I haven’t got a grasp of at the moment.

Whether my eBay shop was the right thing to do remains to be seen!!


Minor edit for a missing word and clarity.
Last edited by gtl
My DSR's and feedback are good, surely ebay have some sense? If I was selling fakes, surely with 102 items sold someone would have complained or left me bad feedback. Its just plain stupid and annoying.

Common Sense (like Elvis) has left the eBay building. Frown

I started my selling "break" in mid-April and I'm not unhappy, not selling in a venue with an unknown business plan that seems to exclude or undermine small sellers, a once thriving buyer and seller community in break-down and open warfare, civil disobedience protestors putting their "nuts", "first eBay dollar", etc. up for sale, annual "tax" (fee) hikes that are regressive in creating revenues by disensentifying the seller to maximize use of the venue for sales (aka Reaganomics works) and cheat on their taxes (fee avoidance), and draconian measures to force more taxes to the bottom line by disallowing business to pass-through costs of operation and ebay taxes (spin-down cycle effect).

IMO, it's a business model that peaked (around late 2004) and is in very bad trouble due to wrong-headed thinking. I would NOT tie any business future to such a model.


Edit: Does that make Auctiva a "tax-shelter" or "free-trade-zone" from eBaynian repressive taxes? Big Grin

I believe Auctiva will actually become the focus-point for Sellers in a free Internet market paradigm, especially if they move to an open, ubiquiteous model for services to all venues with an eCommerce anchor store.
Last edited by danno

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