3 ways to enter, 2 ways to win
1 - buy something on or
2 - submit an entry
3 - pick what ebay staff has packed
You can only enter one time per User ID per day when using method 1 or 2 (both count as same. If you enter via method #2, buying something will NOT give you another entry for that User ID.
You get another entry when using #3. Again, one per User ID per day. But this allows a second entry per UserID when combined with other way of entering (hopefully that makes sense)
hints for "pick what's packed" puzzle available each day on
Good luck everyone!!
(sorry to be posting this after it started, just remembered about the contest

Oh, to enter with a different User ID, have to logout using the Logout link in purple section of pages. then go back to entry page and login with other ID.
Again, The "pick what's packed" method of entry is considered a seperate entry from the other two methods. Is a "bonus" entry. So by using #2 and #3 methods, get to enter twice per ID per day.