Originally posted by starrynight:
P.S. Don't tell hubby, but for visual appeal I'd rather watch the World Cup

So many reasons to enjoy soccer

Hopefully I'll get a lot of work done this week, as he watches the cycling coverage that I already watched live in the AM.
I had lunch out with a g/friend the other day at a local business called Beef O'Brady's. It's a family style wings, sports tv, etc. Love the wings there. And the World Cup was on. She is an avid fan as she used to play the adult league here in town and her husband has coached their son's team since the early years.
I on the other hand..I know where the goals are and what a soccer ball looks like. They do have ardent fans!!! <smile>
I did see that Argentina got into a bit of a broohaha. But that's bout all I got from it.
I'm a baseball and high school or college football fan. (SEC, ROLL TIDE) My girlfriend is just now getting into football so I'm the wise old woman in that sport. <smile>
Now lemme tell ya...there's alot to be said about a man on a tennis court, too or a man playing a round of golf. (cept that one golfer that's a beer bellied drunkard..John Daly. ugh)
I digress...what was the subject? <smile>