Dang if you so and so's did not log me out before I could save. I am SO tired of crap like this, I sure I am not alone in saying make it work and we will pay for it.
I wish had a £1 for everytime someone groans about losing all thier work, virtually daily I seem to have to say you CANNOT expect the internet to be glitch free, I use it for hours a week and do not lose anything and connecting from the UK too, and do you know why, well I will tell you.
I create all descriptions off line, use the seller detail, profiles and templates to improve production efficiency, ensure conformity of style and above all to stop losing hours of work.
I hear the same silliness from people who type a long letter into an online mail tool like on Hotmail and lose all in a blink.
You are getting these excellent tools free and for once they are a tool that work well unlike most freebies, other revenues pay for these tools.
Just because you pay for something does not mean it is bug free either, and working online there are probably dozens of black boxes of electronic gubbins and software between you and Auctiva any one can hiccup and poof, blank screen, get the message