I'm willing to cut Auctiva some slack, because it's an innovative idea that deserves a decent chance to succeed.
. . . They know they have problems, and I believe that they are doing their best to fix them - I don't believe that this is just a hobby for Jeff, so I have full faith that he is doing his best to make his business successful.
Hear Hear! A level head amongst the 'running around headless' - Well put bisquit!
You are one . .. The few . . . the far between, the understanding.
As with suthernjewel, get ready for the "mob" to converge on you also . . .
As to cabbage rose . . .
Whoa there girl, take a break - did you not see a moral .. . a lesson in the story about the "Mob Mentality" and what you get when you "Burn the 'witch' at the stake"?
Nothing but a "Burnt Pile of Stinkin Witch"
- that's it.
There is really no point in offending and being insultive of others when you are having problems elsewhere . . . kind of like the playground child who's basketball rolled away from them .. . instead of coming back . .. on command.
And in their tantrums they turn on others - not taking up the real problem, reasonably, but lashing out at anyone around them who looks like they might not be having a problem in the world, and THAT right there might just be the problem . ..
YOU are having problems, and anyone else who isn't . .. well that's not quite right in your little book of "Even and Even" is it?
So by virtue of that kind of thinking having become a way of life, you lash out and project that anger on others - just because you might have a chance of making them miserable also.
Long Story Short - Misery Loves Company.
Take into consideration that there ARE some people in the world who are REALLY, ACTUALLY NICE, by nature - not because they have a secret agenda that they are hiding by ACTING nice - they just ARE.
Suthernjewel seems to be one of those "For Real, Nice People" who probably are what one would call "lucky, or always seem to work out right for them.
I think that a personality like that - Helpful, Kind, Concerned, etc, etc. can be accounted to . . . Karma.
"What goes around, Comes around",
"Wherever You Go . ..There You Are".
In other words, you are what you are, no matter where you are, or where you hide, or what you deny, or what you THINK you believe.
Nasty is - as Nasty does.
I myself do not experience most of the problems that have been making the rounds .. .
Don't ask me,
I'm no 'Techie'.
I just know that I mind my own business-on the whole,
Cause no-one problems,
Am a nice person at heart,
I also judge and react to all in my life based on the "Attitude of Other People" thing .. .
So please don't let the my 'nice' fool you . ..
IF you are one that has ALL the problems,
NONE of the blame,
ALL of the excuses,
and a penchant for taking your frustrations out on others . . .
just make sure that you mind your P's & Q's around me -
When it comes down to
NOT doing the 'RIGHT' thing . . .
And that, Everyone, is . .. ?
"Treating Others As You, Yourself Would Like To Be Treated"
Very good . . . now I think you owe Suthernjewel an apology as I don't think your snide comments to and about her were called for.
And I for one certainly do not live on a cloud -lol,
that's a GOOD one -
and I also do not seem to have most of these problems.
Beats me . ..
But maybe there is more to Karma than most people really want to think about.
But maybe you should.
And biscuit, excuse me for highjacking your thread here.
The one with all the nastiness at others expense was closed . .. but I guess I must have had a couple of pennies burning a hole in my pocket!
Thanks for your tolerance in concerns to my lecturing on your dime.
So lets all Straighten up and fly right . ..
and remember -
(and a lot less stress)